교수/연구원 소개

  • Professor
  • Laboratory
  • Researcher
  • Budding Researcher


DataBase Lab


Professor : Chung, Tae-Sun

Location : Paldal-Hall 913-2

Homepage : http://db.ajou.ac.kr


Database laboratory works on future database systems including embedded DBMSs based on flash memory, telematics, web database, XML databases, location based services and so on. Currently, our research projects is related to the following topics :


1. Flash memory storages

2. Telematics systems

3. XML Databases

4. Intelligent agent systems in military applications

5. Location-based queries in the road network




Internet Lab


Professor : Kim, Ki-Hyung 

Location :Sanhak-Hall 532,533

Homepage : http://ilab.ajou.ac.kr


Internet Lab conducts research on Internet Protocol-based Ubiquitous Sensor Networks(IP-USN), Embedded Systems and Machine-to-Machine network Communications. USN and M2M communication is selected as one of major technology of Ubiquitous World. We are leading R&D and standardization activities together with many related companies and institutes in IP-USN Forum, M2M/ loT forum, RFLD/USN Center Korea Association of RFID/USN(www.karus.or.kr), TTA(IPv6PG, PG708), IETF, ETSI, and ITU-T.






Professor : Shon, Tae-Shik

Homepage : http://ics.ajou.ac.kr


ICS(Information Communication Security) Lab is concentrating on the researches and development about Smart Grid Security and Digital Forensics. Currently we have many research projects regarding SCADA(Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) Security, Virtualization Security as well as other hot topics in Advanced Information Communication Technology Security fields. Major research interests of ICS are memory dumping for preventing privacy leakage, abnormal behavior detection, consolidated intelligent authentication architecture for smart device, smart platform, smart service, smart application based on open convergence environment. Major research related institutes are including National Security Research Institute, ETRI(Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute), KISA(Korea Internet & Security Agency), KEPCO(Korea Electric Power Corporation), NAK(National Archives of Korea), Korea Sanhak Foundation, NRF(National Research Foundation of Korea) etc. and ICS lab is preparing for EMS(Energy Management System) security related project with major CE and and large IT institute.




Wireless Networks Lab


Professor : Choi, Young-June

Location : Paldal-Hall 630

Homepage : http://wnl.ajou.ac.kr


The Wireless Networks Lab focuses on next-generation mobile communication networks such as LTE, LTE-Advanced, and IEEE 802.16m, as well as mobile computing. We conduct several projects for research and development of dynamic spectrum access, smallcells, mobile security, and mobile power management. Our research topics include all the seven layers as well as cross-layer approaches for wireless networks and mobile systems.












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