
  • Greetings


Welcome to BK21 PLUS Secure & Reliable Mobile Software Research Team of Ajou Unversity!

 On the first step of BK21 (Brain Korea 21) Project (1999-2005) that is funded by Ministry of Education in Korean government and its goal is developing world wide graduate school in Korea, graduate school of computer engineering in Ajou University got the project. And in the second step of the BK21 project (2006-2009), one research group from our department received the project and successfully finished it. In succession, recently, two research teams in our department succeed in getting the third BK21 project (BK21 Plus). Based on the funding size, our department ranks within five among all the Universities in Korea in the area of computer engineering. These achievements show that the level of researches performed in the graduate school of department of computer engineering in Ajou University is very high.


 Our team (Secure & Reliable Mobile Software Research Team) is composed of five professors (Ki-Hyung Kim, KyungAh Sohn, Taeshik Shon, Tae-Sun Chung, and Young-June Choi), two BK professors (Se-Jin Kwon, Joon-Young Paik) and about thirty-five graduate students. We have done many researches in global level in the areas of secure & reliable mobile software.


 Recently portable devices such as smart phone, laptop and smart pad are becoming increasingly popular. Moreover these devices is started to replace the usage of computers. Especially, the Korean major companies such as LG electronics, Samsung electronics, and so on have many qualified technologies in HW areas, but, in the SW areas, the companies don’t have enough technologies compared to worldwide companies. Thus, our team's research on Secure and Reliable Mobile Software is urgent and essential on a national scale.


 The objective of our team is to produce specialists in worldwide level in mobile software areas. For that purpose, by using the government projects (BK21 plus), we will provide scholarships and many other academic supports to students (domestic or foreign). We hope that many worldwide students and companies work together with our team.



 Thank you.






BK21 Plus Secure & Reliable Mobile Software Research Team Leader,

Tae-sun Chung

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